'The Great Replacement' is a strategy by the powerful, to divide and conquer the world. When they say " diversity is our strength", they mean them, the powerful. Divide and conquer has been a strategy of Empires since there have been Empires.
They cause problems in countries where they can. They create instability, war, and famine. It is a logical choice to leave a troubled area of the earth and move into somewhere else.
The same people who cause war, famine death, offer a solution. Come to the West, we will give you water, food, shelter, protection, and a payment every month and you do not have to do anything. In fact, we will insist you do not learn the local language, culture, and social norms. Do not assymilate. In fact, we will bring so many of you that you can start your communities.
The Globalist Neo-Feudal Communists need to destroy the West so that they can rebuild it into their Technocratic Slave State. You must destroy to create they say.
They fund both sides of every war, so they profit in both directions and profit in the rebuilding of destroyed Counties. Building back better for them and their interests. It is not about the money, they print money out of thin air, it is about power and control. Debtor nations are leveraged and controlled nations. The illusion of money and wealth allows for the Bribery and Blackmail control structure.
The target is the family. A healthy family will come together through adversity, respond, survive, and thrive. They need broken families, broken people, and severed relationships so that people look to captured governments for the solution. The fake governments impliment the control structure the powerful want, under the guise of ligitimacy. It is all a scam.
Heads they win, tails you loose.
Until you wake up to the game, how can you play your best hand for your own interests.
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