The reason to be Vegan used to be:
1) compassion for animals ( do no harm to others);
2) being Healthy ( do no harm to yourself);
3) being environmentally conscious (minimize harm to the environment)
Now it is:
1) put the lives of animals above those of humans, reduce the population of animals and people;
2) Being a militant consumer of fake food;
3) Being a Climate Change Cultist and activist.
Veganism was thought up by conscientious, compassionate, empathetic good-natured individuals, but has been taken over by power-hungry world controlers. These were the usual Fabian Society members and British intelligence operatives working out of many different front groups, changing Veganism in multiple different vectors, finally inverting the original intention over a 20 year period. They were well-funded and supported by the establishment. They wanted a program that would deceptively ensnare people into the new program. The new program had multiple goals:
Sterilize the population;
Reduce the population;
Break up the traditional family;
Promote sexual promiscuity;
Normalise abortion;
Effeminate men (Beta Males/Soy Boys);
Masculinize women;
It goes on and on.
Many of rhe problems we are seeing today, are the outcome of this successful intelligence operation to destroy the Western world. Their plan is to destroy this society and bring in a new top down total control technocratic neo feudal control structure.
-Agenda 21
-Committee of 300
-Fabian Society
-U.N. Sustainable Development Goals
-The Great Reset
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