This is an update to the ongoing unrestricted military operation that is the world around us. We are on the battlefield. Most people have no idea.
I go over some Stoic history, modern history, how Stoicism applies to everyday and extreme situations, as well the current ever-morphing threatening situation we are facing and the strategy to survive.
Everywhere is a war zone, including your mind. You do not control the world outside, to believe that is an illusion (Maya). We control our reactions to the outside, that is all. We can influence others but free will, allows them to ultimately decide their fate, not you.
Maya (Sanskrit), literally means “illusion” as well as “magic”. The context of the term can have multiple meanings. It was used in an older language to mean extraordinary wisdom and power. Later Vedic texts and literature devoted to Indian traditions use Maya to refer to a “magic show”, an illusion that makes things appear present, but they are not.
Most people have no idea how to deal with stressful, grieving or dangerous situations. Let me explain.
The battlefields are changing forever. Your mind is your best weapon.
Survival is within your hands, your mind is the difference between surviving or succumbing to circumstances.
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