Those who believe in government will die because of those beliefs. The thing called government never worked for the people the way the propaganda portrayed it. The media is in lockstep with the government to execute the plan for total control. Whatever may have been good about government has been long gone, it now strives to make you sick, a slave, and ultimately murder you.
Alzheimer's and Autism are two versions of the same brain damage primarily caused by vaccines. The key is inflammation of the brain, which creates the symptoms. Reduce inflammation and the brain can heal.
Remove heavy metals in the brain and the body will repair itself.
Remove parasites and the body will repair itself.
Remove toxins and the body will repair itself.
Reat an anti-inflammation diet and your body will perform miracles.
Make yourself alkaline and you will be delighted with your ability to perform mentally, physically, and socially.
Avoid being turned into a Zombie. When your hippocampus is sabotaged you cannot think, retrieve memories, or make new memories.
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