Collectivism is a cult.

Left is collectivist and they do not want you to see them clearly, so they can manipulate you and your ignorance.

The real political spectrum is this:

Left is total government control;

right is no government control.

The spectrum is degrees between those two points.

The communists have distorted the language to indicate a narrow band of possible reality, the left is a communist government and the right is a fascist government ( both are big government control of the individual). By using this scale, you always pre-posed their government's bureaucratic control. University has become a communist indoctrination mill, churning out leftist cult members who go into government, banking and media et al.. The communists themselves called this the long march through the institutions. They claim Nazis were on the right, but they were socialists, which is next to communism in the actual spectrum.

See the trick.

Leftist propaganda promotes absolute government control over everything. When they move slow you do not notice. When they move fast you see it happening.

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Why are we in this stupid mess today? Leftist woke propaganda, woke government schools and woke universities (before woke was woke and just the leftisy thing they did) that pushed people into stupid territory worshiping scientism, government and authorities. It took time for the long march through the institutions to take effect. This is societal corruption at work. They deceptively separate cause and effect by time and distance, so you cannot see how much harm you and yours will personally suffer in the long run for the short-term benefit promised to you today.

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My heart plays as big a role in making those decisions about how to react, in tandem with my mind.

A two horse wagon so to speak.

Thank you for your article. God Bless.

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We are multifaceted beings, and so is our decision-making process. You're welcome. Share it if you like.

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