The United Nations UNDRIP program is already being used to take land away from property owners to “give it back” to Native tribes. (I think it is well underway in New Zealand and Australia.)

Of course, many of those tribal peoples are being decimated by the vaccine. So UNDRIP is really just a form of rewilding.

Dr. Rima Laibow has reported on this UN initiative.

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Dr. Rima is awesome, she did such good reporting on Codex Alimentarious back in the day. This is a giant kabuki theatre; people are the oppressed one day moving the globalist agenda forward, then they get revenge by being the oppressor, still moving the globalist agenda forward.

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Henry, You are so smart. Your comprehension is boundless.

I do believe, though, that Jordan Peterson has a shady past. I learned of him from a young man who’d I’d met who’s job it was to ‘test’ drugs on dying ‘last-chance’ patients. c. 2018. This young man expressed such a deep admiration for Peterson, as though he were his own father-figure, replacement. That made me curious.

I began listening to Jordan, for myself.

He was captivating an entire generation of fatherless boys. Hmm, I said. I listened, myself for a very long time, on and off. Becoming captivated, myself.

Sounds to me, to be, too good (to be true). Another savior? Once, Ben Shapiro nabbed him, I knew. Wardrobe became outrageous. Forked tongue became obvious. He’d been years’ cleverly groomed.

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I do not have faith in people I do not know. Jordan did a lot of good pushing back against gender pronouns, then he pushed the Mrna vax. Contradiction? He is human and flawed. Is it misdirecting people innocently or something else? People are like a buffet; take what is good and leave the rest where it is.

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