“Beware of driving men to desperation. Even a cornered rat is dangerous” (Winston Churchill).
In the context of war, “perfidy” is a form of deception where one side promises to act in good faith with the intention of breaking that promise. It is a breach of law and degrades expected protections. It is an act of utter selfishness. It is a betrayal to every principle that safeguards civility. It is a feigned sincerity. It embraces symbols and verbiage (i.e. religion, culture, etc) that masks the hypocrisy seeking to undermine and destroy. Thus, one sounds and looks as if he supports the accepted position, but in reality, is bitter and resentful.
The University Indoctrinated Indians are being used in Canada to bring in 15 minute cities, climate change policies and globalism, also as long as they claim 2spirits nonsense. Sad.
I'm a citizen of a "Nation" (we are no longer a tribe...) in Oklahoma and it's appalling how the "Nation" cow-tows to DC. They are playing right into the feds' hands and helping to race as fast as they can to our demise because they love those federal dollars.
The government of my "Nation" sickens me and it's an embarrassment but even worse it will be the end of us.
Free men and women need no nation. The nation needs men and women to identify as subjects of the nation, or the nation does not exist. They need us to participate or their power evaporates. It is a trick.
“Beware of driving men to desperation. Even a cornered rat is dangerous” (Winston Churchill).
In the context of war, “perfidy” is a form of deception where one side promises to act in good faith with the intention of breaking that promise. It is a breach of law and degrades expected protections. It is an act of utter selfishness. It is a betrayal to every principle that safeguards civility. It is a feigned sincerity. It embraces symbols and verbiage (i.e. religion, culture, etc) that masks the hypocrisy seeking to undermine and destroy. Thus, one sounds and looks as if he supports the accepted position, but in reality, is bitter and resentful.
Like the treaties the US government made with the Indians. They broke every single one.
I don't know why people think they are any less slimy today. Why would they be?
Thanks for the article.
The University Indoctrinated Indians are being used in Canada to bring in 15 minute cities, climate change policies and globalism, also as long as they claim 2spirits nonsense. Sad.
I'm a citizen of a "Nation" (we are no longer a tribe...) in Oklahoma and it's appalling how the "Nation" cow-tows to DC. They are playing right into the feds' hands and helping to race as fast as they can to our demise because they love those federal dollars.
The government of my "Nation" sickens me and it's an embarrassment but even worse it will be the end of us.
Free men and women need no nation. The nation needs men and women to identify as subjects of the nation, or the nation does not exist. They need us to participate or their power evaporates. It is a trick.
Yes. I keep saying that and no one listens. They are spellbound.
Yes. Truly under a spell, like zombies mindlessly shuffling around.....brains please....lol.
Is commenting here, encrypted or a high risk? Because, I have a lot to contribute to this topic.
Throw down what you have.
When We ALL are living as richly as We choose... I doubt We will need fighters. Thanks for this!
Thank you for your input, as always, sister in truth.
🤗 💜 🤗