I don't have much time to listen to podcasts but I have listened to a couple of yours and I am impressed by the deep dives and your ability to articulate the information. You make it interesting to listen to!

This is off the subject, but I wanted to share this information with you. You may have already done a podcast on it. CLO2 as made by Andreas Kalcker. I learned to make the solution a couple of years ago. It is wonderfully amazing! I made the spray and used it on burned fingers with immediate relief from the pain. And also on fire ant bites all over my arm. It stopped the pain, itching and no fire ant pustules ever formed! https://drkalcker.substack.com/p/the-fundamentals-of-electromolecular.

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Thank you for sharing the info. Appreciate it. I personally have not tried it yet. Do you have a favourite brand?

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