Here’s an incredible story told by an amazing man who saved his family by killing his abusive father when he was 16. He spent decades in jail because of drugs that he got into to survive the horrendous abuse. He tells of his years in prison and how he got through it. Mark’s story was told by all the major newspapers, Time Magazine, reported by Dan Rather and other famous news readers. He’s an engaging storyteller too.


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Thank you for the share.

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I very much resonate with your podcasts.

Am going to a court hearing tomorrow - I was attacked in my home by someone I knew only vaguely, - he broke in, tried to rape me. I escaped out the window.

I want it to be over. I want victory. I want to walk out the winner.

I accept nothing else, no.

Tomorrow, tomorrow.

You know what I think? I think court hearings should take place very close in time to when the incident happened. Waiting for months and years is the opposite of justice.

May God Bless you.

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I am so sorry this happened to you Ragna.

We will see what happens in Court, but do not get your hopes up.

On the subject of home invasion. I once was a cell-ey with a guy who was brutally attacked in his house.

Three drugged-up men beat him down. He was stabbed 20 times (by drugged-up amateurs, cause he was still alive to tell the tale), blood-soaked bandages everywhere, head bashed in, scuffs everywhere, one eye swollen shut ( I saw this with my own eyes). The back story is that his angry girlfriend let them in (cause unknown); they beat him, robbed him and called the police to have him arrested and charged while he was still unconscious. He remained unconscious for hours, bleeding everywhere; they patched him up at the hospital, drugged him back into unconsciousness and dropped him off at the police station. He looked like he had survived a horror movie; it was shocking. We shared a ride to the local jail. It took him 4 days to be able even stand up and get his bearings back. I listened to him cry himself to sleep. So sad.

Everyone kept saying, not my job, the judge will sort it out.

Not sure what happened to him, but people like that spend months in jail waiting to be sorted out, by people who do not care and do not have the time or interest in justice.

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I recently saw a documentary on Cecot in El Salvadore. Right up there with prisons in Siberia if not worse. Who could prepare for something like that?

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We are in control of ourselves and how we react, that is all. Those who survived the Gulags all had something in common. The will to survive and something to live for. Faith in a higher power helps a long way to give us perspective. You never know what you can accomplish until you have to.

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Dude Ive seen cells and the street already. They just there to get me in the mood of the serial killing.

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You're motivated by your experiences.

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