We saw that film in 2011 before we started 'paying attention'. It revolutionized our lives. That one film started us on our truth journey that has lasted to the present time. If you understand the history of money you understand everything. I can't recommend 'The Money Masters' enough.
One thing I never see addressed is the foundational function of money (and I define "money" as anything used for that foundational aspect - good, services, and representational things like shells, beads, metals, paper, electronic bits).
Which point though, is not the message of the Money Masters film - The film is an introduction to the root of all evil - money and the the love of it - and how it explains the world we live in.
I am aware. [smile] I have seen the piece, as well as having studied money and economics for 50 years... LOL! I just thought I would offer data. Including suggestions on solving for the problems accounting for Our energy added (the foundational function) creates.
Also, just as an aside, I do not see "evil" and "good." I see unEthical - "evil" - and Ethical - anything that does not break the three Laws of Ethics - and "good" is upholding the Betterment Ethic.
The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):
1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)
Very interesting. I think the whole world would be a better place if young people were taught how to understand finance and economics. Your rules are good, would God they were applied to the leadership of this world. We would have had no pandemics, no lock downs no usury, no astronomical student loans to battle, no foreclosures, no bouncing, economy, and so on. But I don't have to tell you because you are the expert. I'm sure you're writings are very interesting and I will take a look at them. The only thing I will contest is that you don't call things evil. The Scriptures do, however, and I deign to their eternal wisdom. God bless you.
We do not need to account for Our energy added at all, but I will tell You the OTHER "golden rule:" He who has the gold makes the rules. Money promotes psychopaths to power for that reason.
And humbly, I have no religion - was raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion. And if every Human kept those three Laws, We would not have problems.
Evil is 'live' spelled backward so I have questions about the word as well. Good is only slightly above average (mediocer), so I am attempting to phase that out of my vocabulary as well. Gaining control of our language and use of it is a step towards personal freedom.
The word 'evil' IS in the Bible in ancient languages - where, I can assure you, you can't spell it backwards and get 'live'. One of the words in Hebrew is 'ra'. In one form or another there are hundreds and hundres of uses of 'ra'. Consider Genesis 6:5, written nearly 6,000 years ago 'And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." I'd say that's a bit prescient eh? Still hasn't changed! That said, I can also assure you that God uses words with a mathematical exactness, and scientific precision. If He says it, you can take it to the Bank. (Pun intended)
I don’t see “evil” and “good;” I see unEthical (“evil”) - the breaking of the three Laws of Ethics, Ethical (everything that does not break the three Laws), with “good” being the upholding of the Betterment Ethic - looking for ways to make things better for Those around You and around the globe and creating them.
We saw that film in 2011 before we started 'paying attention'. It revolutionized our lives. That one film started us on our truth journey that has lasted to the present time. If you understand the history of money you understand everything. I can't recommend 'The Money Masters' enough.
One thing I never see addressed is the foundational function of money (and I define "money" as anything used for that foundational aspect - good, services, and representational things like shells, beads, metals, paper, electronic bits).
The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money
Which point though, is not the message of the Money Masters film - The film is an introduction to the root of all evil - money and the the love of it - and how it explains the world we live in.
I am aware. [smile] I have seen the piece, as well as having studied money and economics for 50 years... LOL! I just thought I would offer data. Including suggestions on solving for the problems accounting for Our energy added (the foundational function) creates.
Also, just as an aside, I do not see "evil" and "good." I see unEthical - "evil" - and Ethical - anything that does not break the three Laws of Ethics - and "good" is upholding the Betterment Ethic.
The three Laws of Ethics (Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do):
1. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent hurt or kill the flesh of anOther
2. Do not willfully and without fully informed consent take or damage anything that does not belong to You alone
3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)
Very interesting. I think the whole world would be a better place if young people were taught how to understand finance and economics. Your rules are good, would God they were applied to the leadership of this world. We would have had no pandemics, no lock downs no usury, no astronomical student loans to battle, no foreclosures, no bouncing, economy, and so on. But I don't have to tell you because you are the expert. I'm sure you're writings are very interesting and I will take a look at them. The only thing I will contest is that you don't call things evil. The Scriptures do, however, and I deign to their eternal wisdom. God bless you.
We do not need to account for Our energy added at all, but I will tell You the OTHER "golden rule:" He who has the gold makes the rules. Money promotes psychopaths to power for that reason.
And humbly, I have no religion - was raised with lots of love and Ethics, but no religion. And if every Human kept those three Laws, We would not have problems.
Love always!
Evil is 'live' spelled backward so I have questions about the word as well. Good is only slightly above average (mediocer), so I am attempting to phase that out of my vocabulary as well. Gaining control of our language and use of it is a step towards personal freedom.
The word 'evil' IS in the Bible in ancient languages - where, I can assure you, you can't spell it backwards and get 'live'. One of the words in Hebrew is 'ra'. In one form or another there are hundreds and hundres of uses of 'ra'. Consider Genesis 6:5, written nearly 6,000 years ago 'And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." I'd say that's a bit prescient eh? Still hasn't changed! That said, I can also assure you that God uses words with a mathematical exactness, and scientific precision. If He says it, you can take it to the Bank. (Pun intended)
I don’t see “evil” and “good;” I see unEthical (“evil”) - the breaking of the three Laws of Ethics, Ethical (everything that does not break the three Laws), with “good” being the upholding of the Betterment Ethic - looking for ways to make things better for Those around You and around the globe and creating them.