Linotype: The Film is a feature-length documentary film centered around the Linotype typecasting machine invented by Ottmar Mergenthaler in 1886.
I love this kind of information! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you.
Thank You for this! I had heard something of the Linotype decades ago, but not much. And this is awesome!
It really illustrates how easily technology is lost.
All too true.
( )
This is the link. Showing up weirdly at my end. Sorry.
I love this kind of information! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you.
Thank You for this! I had heard something of the Linotype decades ago, but not much. And this is awesome!
It really illustrates how easily technology is lost.
All too true.
( )
This is the link. Showing up weirdly at my end. Sorry.