The movie is set in the future 2022. The movie was released in 1973. In a overpopulated futuristic Earth, a New York police detective finds himself marked for murder when he has too close to a bizarre nation secret involving the roots of a needed and radical foodstuff.
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What we see in the movie:
1) Shortage of food - supply chain issues;
2) Lack of housing - people living in cars;
3) Everything breaking down or broken - supply chain issues;
4) Suicide centers ( Think Canada);
5 ) Meaningless sexual intercourse with demeaned, (literally) objectified, people.
6) Eating the dead - Green lunatics have pushed liquefication body processing, your body is turned into liquid fertilizer called " Bio-Sludge" and used to grow food crops. The consequences of placing liquid poison on crops have already been realized
7) Everything is corrupt, and everyone knows it, but nothing can be done because the government is in absolute control.
8) life is meaningless, people are encouraged to volunteer for suicide. They are enticed with rewards that are available but only provided to the suicide on the way "Going Home".
9) Riot police force the crowds into compliance, with brute force and no regard for health, safety, or injury.
10) The world appears overpopulated, but the reality is that people are jammed into Mega-Cities.
11) The people think the world is burning, but they have no reference points outside the city which is their whole distorted world experience (except for the elderly who remember a time before).
"Agenda 21" items shown in the movie but not yet realized:
1) 15 minute cities, no cars, walk everywhere;
2) rewilded countryside, where no one is allowed to go;
3) Synthetic food for the masses ( except the rich);
4) If you do not produce/work, you starve to death.
5) The government controls everything.
6) Analogue version of CBDC, traded around.
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