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Sugar is poison, artificial sugar is beyond poison.
Watch this documentary and get wise to the beyond poison ingredient called aspertame. For a product "Generally Recognized As Safe" ... aspartame is, in fact, a slow-acting, deadly poison that 1) should never have been permitted on the market (for human consumption or otherwise), and 2) should in any case be removed from the market immediately -- and totally.
This documentary is a close examination into what some consider to be a “hoax”: aspartame toxicity. This documentary attempts to look at what is definitively known about aspartame and discovers that the label “hoax” in this case is a dangerous misconception. This controversial documentary is sure to open eyes to the possible dangers of what lurks in our food.
This is a must see movie especially if you or someone you love are nutrasweet drinkers. I was, and I’m not now. I was appauled at how this dangerous substance was approved by the FDA in spite of the mounting evidence it caused brain tumors and other neurological problems. If you think everything approved by the FDA is safe, you need to see this movie… politics and big business are very powerful… education is power… empower yourself to take control of your health.
From an IMDB review:
I have watched this production many times now, often with friends. Cori has done something that 60 Minutes and other major news programs did not have the courage to do. She took on big business, big politics and big food when it wasn't the thing to do. In this series of vital interviews she captures the essence of what is wrong with the Food and Drug Administration.