The internet is 95% fake. Want to learn how? Hear from the insiders, get wise, be hard to fool.
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‘ShadowGate’ features two whistleblowers, Tore and Patrick Bergy, who describe a network of government contractors in the Intelligence Community with access to the NSA’s dragnet surveillance and AI programs and who exploit this information to blackmail and control politicians and other powerful people. These Globalist traitors are the primary administrators of the Fourth Generation warfare being waged against the American people as we speak.
The film details Interactive Internet Activities (IIA) and the military psychological warfare weapon, Shadownet, which is used to control the public narrative through the Fake News, to fix elections, to organize the BLM riots among other things.
Bergy explains how Shadownet was built by the military with US tax dollars and how General James L Jones, Obama’s National Security Advisor took this intellectual property and privatized it for personal gain.
Bergy says Shadownet was used heavily in the Ukraine Color Revolution by Paul Manafort and that an entire cottage industry has since sprung up, with multiple companies using this same software.
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I consider everything and believe very little. The only things I’m sure of are the love of my Creator and my immediate family.
Indeed, there is a lot of bunk out there. And manipulation. It's difficult these days... I keep the lesson from My dad close at heart. He told Me...
Never Believe ANYTHING! (7 min):